AMMO: An Artist Statement
I am fascinated by the intersection of beauty and danger, and how the two can coexist within a single object. Through my lens, I expose the hidden architecture of ammunition cartridges, revealing the exquisite composition of their parts and their Zen-like perfection.
Each photograph in this series is a full, unflinching portrait of the cartridge, showing its explosive and violent insides. Through these images, I invite the viewer to contemplate the object as an abstraction composed of shapes, angles, color, and texture, devoid of its intended use.
While some may see the pristine aesthetic of these objects as alluring, others may see them as the epitome of horror. AMMO blurs our preconceptions of ammunition, revealing their simplicity and aesthetic balance, challenging us to reflect on our most inner fears and highest hopes.
In these portraits, I suggest that as humans, we too live our interior lives encased in protective armor, holding both the potential for violence and the capacity for protection. Much like the apple in Snow White's fairy tale, AMMO represents themes of intrigue and tragedy, good and evil, beauty and horror.
I intentionally eschew the practice of labeling each image with a description of the cartridge's type, age, or use. By preserving the cartridges' ambiguity, I allow the viewer to ponder and appreciate their pure form, as well as their symbolic power and potential impact.
All photographs presented here are the sole property of the artist unless otherwise noted. Published works are protected under domestic and international copyright laws and are not considered to be public domain. None of the photographs may be reproduced, copied, manipulated, or used whole or in part of a derivative work, without written permission. All rights reserved.